Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Don't we all, yall?
What a fun Wednesday.
it was kinna fun.

Monday, November 2, 2009

This 1'z fur muh gurlfren Kate.
Yall, she luhvs bacon.
Her luhv for bacon is kinna crazy, kinna krazy kool.
Girl can't get enough.
And with her B-day coming up,
yall I dont know what novelty bacon item to get her.
I was thinking the Bacon Geenie, perfect bacon cooker.
Also, why waste the bacon fat when you can just pour it over
everything ur boutz to eat.
But i cood also get her
Bacon salt
Bacon Vodka
Maple Syrup Bacon
A giff certificate to somewhere that serves bacon.
Or a Bacon Burrito from Alvarados (my fav. food item from Alv's)
Yall, dont steal my ideas, K?

Happy Mundae.